Visually doing things better

Our Visual Management products are a practical way of visually displaying realtime information that can be easily communicated, understood and reacted to within a team which in turn allows for proactive engagement & continuous improvement. Make running your process easy to understand, simple to use, interactive & functional at the same time.

Let's Find What Works For You

What is Visual Control?

Controlling your workplace visually puts targets or goals on display and allows everyone on the team access to add or offer ideas and solve problems. Visual control creates clarity within teams and helps focus on continuous improvement operations. Indigo creates visual management products which are easy to understand, simple to use, interactive & functional specifically to your team and process.

What are Indigo Visual Management products?

For business managers who want to get the most from their team and their process, Indigo creates visual management products such as whiteboards with interactive tooling which are easy to understand, simple to use, interactive & functional at the same time.

Continuously Improving

Your team is working in and focusing on your business, continuously working together on your process striving for business excellence.

Visually Do Things Better


Eliminate Waste

Make Operations More Efficient

Create Teamwork

Business Ecellence




designers and developers of visual management to major multinationals who operate with the lean process we have vast knowledge, expertise and tried & tested methodologies, creating real benefits from high quality visual management structures, tools, advise and supports.


Visual Management Dedicated Company

100% dedication to innovation around quality Visual Management products and visual solutions.

Visual Management is part of working within a lean process

Visual management is a necessity when working with “Lean process” and with companies investing in this form of business the demand is growing.

Trusted Supplier

We have many years of experience working with multinationals and so we have lots of tried and tested products to offer.

Excellent Quality & Customer Service

Throughout our business we base everything we do on Quality & Customer Service.

Interactive Product

The essence of what we do which is the real time visual information and active engagement between management and team creating a collaborated process. All our products are interactive whether they are a visual management board or visual indicator tools we create. These combined allow the continuous improvement through team collaboration.

Wipeable even with Permanent Ink

A unique part of our of our wipeable products is that one can use a permanent marker to write information on a task magnet for example, this then can be moved from A to B on a board. The ink does not rub off until it is needed to be cleaned, at which point we offer an ink cleaner that restores the wipeable area to a crisp clean new face.

  • At any one point in the day management can walk up to our boards and see WIP and if there are any roadblocks ahead.

Quality and Customer Value

Lean helps you and your team ensure your customers get what they want, when they want it, on time, every time.

Where Are You On Your Lean Journey?

Are you are starting out on your lean journey & need help with how to plan your visual management? We show you the capabilities of our visual management products while keeping it simple yet effective all based on your own operations.

Maybe you have your eyes on the Shingo prize we can offer visual management products that suit your business and its process best. We understand the importance of creating world class visuals in order to achieve business excellence.

Things You Might Need On Your Lean Journey?

  • (KAIZEN) Continuous Improvement (Identify -> Plan -> Execute -> Review)
  • (RCA) Root Cause Analysis
  • (SW) Standard Work
  • (TPM) Total Preventative Maintenance
  • 5s
  • (VSM) Value Stream Mapping
  • (VM) Visual Management
Lean Eliminates Waste
  • Visual Control
  • Realtime Data
  • Business Excellence
  • Standardisation
  • Organised Workplace
  • Better Workflow
  • Cost Reducing
  • KPIs
  • Problem Solving Tools
  • Self Regulating
  • Self improving Teams
  • Detection & Resolution
  • Better Workflow
  • Cost Reducing
  • KPIs
  • Easy toUse 
  • Quality Awareness
  • Saves Money

Benefits of Visual Management

Engages teams

Maintains targets

Continuously Improving

Elimates waste

Who Can Use Visual Management?


Transport & Logistics

Medtech & Pharmaceutical

Education & Training

Professional Services

Lean Consultants

Food & Drink